By default all the different IBM TSOM tables are created in the default table space, so you should use a separate table space for event data and event table indexes. 默认情况下,不同的IBMTSOM表是在默认表空间创建的,所以您应该使用另一个表空间来存储事件数据和事件表索引。
Therefore, the library server inserts a row of event data into the event queue table. 因此,库服务器会插入一个事件数据到事件队列表中。
The event monitor converts the configuration information and the event data retrieved from the event queue table into a self-describing event message in a common base event ( CBE) format. 这个事件监视器能将配置信息和从事件队列表所查询的事件数据转换到一个自解释的通用基础事件(CBE)格式事件消息中。
You will see deliverEvent and sendEvent messages printed in the console as the JDBC adapter polls the event table and sees new entries. 当JDBC适配器轮询事件表并找到新项时,您将看到deliverEvent和sendEvent消息输出到控制台中。
The event store table gets populated when one of the database triggers runs. 当其中一个数据库触发器运行时,将填充事件存储表。
Dropping the lock event monitor does not implicitly drop the corresponding unformatted event table. 删除锁事件监控器不会隐式删除对应的非格式化事件表。
This can be gathered from the activity information recorded in the activitystmt_mymon event monitor table. 这可以通过记录在activitystmtmymon事件监视器表中的活动信息收集。
Finally, the DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE macro is required for any wxWidgets object that wants to respond to events, which definitely includes the little demo frame in this article. 而DECLAREEVENTTABLE宏是任何需要对事件做出响应的wxWidgets对象(它无疑包括本文中的小演示框架)所必需的。
The END_EVENT_TABLE macro, as you might expect, signifies the end of the event table. 如您所预期的一样,ENDEVENTTABLE宏指出事件表的末尾。
The BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE() macro takes two arguments: the class the event table is actually for and the immediate parent of that class. BEGINEVENTTABLE()宏有两个参数:事件表实际针对的类和此类的中间父类。
The WebSphere Adapter for JDBC User Guide ( see the Resources Section) explains the fields in the event store table, but let's take a quick look at how this table will be used. WebSphereAdapterforJDBC用户指南(请参见参考资料部分)说明了事件存储表中的字段,现在让我们简单地了解一下如何使用此表。
An event table stores the asynchronous events generated by the database triggers in a staging table. 事件表存储数据库触发器在分段表中生成的异步事件。
When the module containing the export consumes the event, the event table removes the event. 在包含导出的模块使用事件时,事件表会删除该事件。
An event monitor scans the event queue table for committed rows, and retrieves Add Item or Update Item events for a loan document. 事件监视器会扫描事件队列表查找提交的记录,然后查询贷款文档的AddItem或UpdateItem事件。
To actually respond to events, you must define the event table within your implementation files. 要真正响应事件,必须在实现文件内定义事件表。
The events that failed to deliver are marked as "-1" in the column name "Event_Status" of the event store table. 交付失败的事件将在事件库表的“EventStatus”列中标记为“-1”。
This database includes the Customer table, which is the table that the application will synchronize, and the event table that the JDBC resource adapter will poll to create inbound events. 此数据库包括应用程序将要同步的客户表和JDBC资源适配器将轮询以创建入站事件的事件表。
The event monitor fetches event data from the event queue table based on the configuration data, converts the events into JMS messages, and puts the JMS messages on a JMS event queue. 事件监视器能根据配置数据从事件队列表取出事件数据,将事件转换成JMS消息,然后将JMS消息放回到一个JMS事件队列中。
For example, in the case of the JDBC adapter, this queue will be the "event table", and in the case of the MQ adapter, this queue will be an MQ queue. 例如,对于JDBC适配器,此队列将为“事件表”,而对于MQ适配器,此队列将为一个MQ队列。
The logged events are placed into an event queue table in the library server database. 所记录的事件会被记录到库服务器数据库的一个事件队列表中。
The JDBC resource adapter continuously monitors the event table by polling the event database to detect when there is a new row in the event table. JDBC资源适配器通过轮询事件数据库连续监视事件表,以检测事件表中何时有新行出现。
After notifications are generated, the event chronicle rule again updates the event chronicle table with the latest data. 生成了通知后,事件历史记录规则将使用最新数据再次更新事件历史记录表。
NOTE: This thread is only use for event time table, do not reply any message in this topic! 注意:此帖只限发表宣传行程,勿回复任何帖子!
The following example shows how to use an event chronicle table to prevent duplicate notifications based on the highest values for event data during a specified time period. 以下示例演示了如何使用事件历史记录表,根据指定时间段中事件数据的最高值来避免重复通知。
About mobile GIS, the paper presents an integrated technique of embedded system and software plugin and delivers event table structure for wireless downloading. 针对移动GIS,提出了嵌入式、软件插件组合技术,确定了无线下载的事件表结构;
In this paper, the state synchronization algorithm is presented to transform the traditional protocol state machine into a state event table, thus the states of session partners are calculated through table work. 本文提出的状态同步算法将传统的协议状态机转化为事件状态表,并通过表运算判定双方状态。
The simulation strategy that this procedure adopts is the event scheduling. Therefore, the main work focuses on dealing with the event table and processing the corresponding subprograms. 本程序采用的仿真策略是事件调度法,故主要的工作就是围绕着事件表进行并处理相应的子程序。
For the convenience of operating of the event table and queues, link as data structure is adopted. 为方便事件表和队列的操作,采用的数据结构是链表。
It takes the traffic status event table as a time snapshot to represent the current traffic state of the entire road network, rather than the traditional form of raster or vector data. 该模型使用路况事件表作为每一时刻的路况快照,用于反映当前整个路网的交通状态,而不是传统的栅格或是矢量数据形式。